Inspiration from James

Resolutions: eating healthier


Resolutions: eating healthier
Healthy cooking is one of the most frequently entered search terms in the world. Especially in January, when we can no longer see an oliebol, pastry rod, chocolate, stuffed turkey, wine and bubbles, it shoots ... read more

How to: festive dining


How to: festive dining
I confess: I am a sucker for seasons. As soon as one season turns into another, I adapt like a leaf to the tree. And now that temperatures are dropping and it's already getting dark in the afternoon, it's time ... read more

Go vegan!


Go vegan!
Vegan food is hot. Even if you're a horrified carnivore and have said goodbye with pain in your heart to all those summer barbecues, occasionally cooking with only plant-based ingredi ... read more

Organize your own Oktoberfest!


Organize your own Oktoberfest!
One thing you have to hand to our eastern neighbors: they know how to throw a party. And because we Dutch like to party and have a beer, every year around the end of September we go to a party. ... read more

Survival guide for autumn (vacations)


Survival guide for autumn (vacations)
Once the worst of the summer heat is out of the air, perhaps the most interesting season of the year arrives: autumn. Nature erupts in flaming shades of red, the coolest cloud formations ... read more

How to: Halloween


How to: Halloween
Halloween and pumpkins are like two hands in one. And once your hollowed-out pumpkin is Halloween-ready, incorporate the pumpkin flesh into a steaming fall dish. It can be that easy. ... read more

Game season in the kitchen


Game season in the kitchen
Logs crackling caught fire in the fireplace and the bottle of red wine has already been uncorked, as around four o'clock this afternoon the sun was already disappearing from the scene toward the other side of the globe. The he ... read more