The great spring cleaning


The great spring cleaning

You know what they say: a tidy house is a tidy head. And what season is better to get busy with cleaning cloths and cleansers, than spring? In this article, I share with you some tips to rock that spring cleaning - even if your name isn't Cinderella. Here's to spring cleaning!

Clean up first

Thoroughly cleaning your house from top to bottom is always a good idea. But if little lego bricks keep disappearing into your vacuum cleaner, you keep bumping into the overflowing laundry basket in the bathroom and a pile of muddy soccer shoes in the storage room, then I predict that your desire to clean will be gone before you've even started. So: first make a quick sweep through the house and then pull out your cleaning cloths.

Helpful helpers spring cleaning

Scrubbing, polishing and waxing are not at the top of everyone's list of fun things to do. But with the right stuff on hand, it's not so bad. For example, I can't live without it:

1 | A small staircase

Unless you're Lange Frans, a small stepladder is essential during spring cleaning. You can easily take it from one room to another and, thanks to its elevation, effortlessly reach that top part of the windows, the top of your framed photo collage or the top kitchen cabinets. A stool that stands firmly on four legs will do, of course.

2 | A rageball

A rageball sounds like something your great-great-grandmother used, but trust me: there's a reason they still exist. You work from top to bottom and from high to low while cleaning. So, one of the first things you need to do is get all the cobwebs and cobwebs away from the ceiling. Behold the usefulness of the rageball. With it, you can easily get into the corners of the room. Just make sure your rageball has a telescopic handle.

3 | Window broom + squeegee

Clean windows contribute greatly to a clean house. Sometimes you don't even notice that your windows have become dirty, until you tackle them with some suds: what a difference! Well, there are plenty of tricks, but window cleaners still just clean windows with some suds, a sponge, a window squeegee and a chamois. That tells me enough. Has window-lapping left streaks on your windows? Make a wad of newspaper and go over it in circular motions. The streaks will disappear on their own.

4 | Mop, mop or floor wiper

I'm sure of it: mopping was invented by someone who thought cleaning should be fun. Take a damp mop to the farthest corner of the room and mop your floor in long strokes. There are all kinds of mopping systems, but where some swear by a floor wiper with a microfiber cloth, others prefer a mop. It's just what you are comfortable with. Clean is clean enough and if a mop system with a pivoting arm only evokes foul language in you, it may be as good as it is, but cleaning will soon be over.

After mopping, dry the floor with a second cloth. Don't feel like it? Then make sure you mop with the house key in your pocket. Always mop from back to front. After mopping, cast a satisfied glance towards your shiny floor and close the door behind you to do something fun.

Running out of time? No worries

The word "spring cleaning" implies that you are embarking on a major cleaning job. And if you want to tackle your whole house, then so be it. But you do have more to do than just cleaning. So feel free to divide your home into chunks and do one or a few areas at a time. For example, start with these 7 handy tips for an organized kitchen. Actually, you create an ideal system this way: every day you clean a room you are rewarded with a feeling of accomplishment AND there is still time left over to exercise or have a beer with your neighbor.

Household aids

I don't know about you, but usually when my house is this spic and span, I sacredly resolve to always keep it this clean and tidy. Could you use some help with that? Then check out all my handy household items. Good luck!