This is how to organize an authentic Dutch stampottenbuffet


This is how to organize an authentic Dutch stampottenbuffet

Around the holidays, we like to compete with each other: who puts the most culinary dinner on the table? Then during the evening, one gastronomic masterpiece after another passes in review. For those who are not so keen on hours of cooking in the kitchen or for those who are ready for something different after December: organize a traditional Dutch stew buffet. Such a buffet is not too complicated and with so much choice there is always a stamppot on the table that gourmets will enjoy. Such a buffet also provides instant fun.

Cooking pans for making the stews

In case you don't have a recipe from your grandmother or your mother in your kitchen drawer, all you have to do is type "stew recipe" into Google. In this article you won't find recipes, but you will find tips for all the related issues. Starting with fine pans. After all, the cook wants something too.

A winter stew should, of course, be accompanied by a tasty piece of meat. This can be a smoked sausage that you simply heat up, but also a fresh sausage, a piece of roast beef or hachee. If you find roasting meat too much work or if you are short of hot plates, serve a variety of smoked sausages ranging from coarse to fine and vegetarian. If you want a meat dish but want the least amount of fuss when roasting - after all, there are more pans on the stove - use a pan that knows what it's doing. Pans that lovingly simmer your dish are slow-cook pans. These pans heat up quickly, are heat insulating and can be put in the oven after searing, if desired. Meanwhile, you have nice hands free for something else.

Important side issues

Side dishes turn an ordinary stew into a restaurant-quality stew in no time. The good thing is: those side dishes are über-simple. Fried bacon, pickles and pearl onions should not be missing during your stew buffet. Are you roasting meat? Then put a bowl of gravy on the table as well. And don't forget the mustard, pepper and salt! For mood-enhancing dishes, visit Palmer and Maastricht Porselein.

Dessert with stew buffet

A typically Dutch meal should be accompanied by a typically Dutch dessert. This can be a simple custard, but also boerenjongensijs, custard or hangop. Real Dutch desserts that fit perfectly with a stamppottenbuffet. Enhance the restaurant feel by placing freshly whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles next to the custard and ice cream, for example. The hangop tastes even better with some crumbled speculoos cookies and jam. If you want to keep the buffet theme, serve several desserts and put small bowls next to them. That way you invite your guests to taste something from each dessert.

Winter dining: the finishing touch

A winter table set should radiate warmth. After all, it is cold enough outside. Choose a tablecloth in a warm color or a checkered rug and place some candles here and there. Avoid shaky candle stands. A stew buffet can be a bit more robust and this way you keep it safe.

For dinnerware, choose small plates rather than large meal plates. It would be a shame if Daniel immediately fills his whole plate with kale - fair is fair, there is no kale as good as yours - and then has no room left to taste the endive stew. So small ones are preferred. Are you making the stew buffet for a birthday and will your party eat the stew with their plates on their laps? Then consider using deep plates or bowls. That way the pearl onions won't roll off your plate and you can slide that last bite onto your spoon just a little easier.

Next to each pan and with each side dish, place an appropriate serving spoon. If necessary, you may also place some name tags next to each dish for form. Finally, at the end of buffet , your guests will find a napkin and their cutlery. I say: enjoy your meal!