Making your own cocktails is how you do it


Making your own cocktails is how you do it

Whoever says summer, says cocktails. Because whether you are holding a fresh-looking Mojito with mint, a fruity Sangria or a creamy Piña Colada: with such a tropical-looking drink, you immediately imagine yourself on a sun-drenched beach. Therein lies in part the secret to the popularity of cocktails. Because sure, a cocktail has to taste good, but before you have even taken one sip, it has already blown you away with its looks. In this blog, I will explain to you in detail how to achieve that.

How to Sangria

One of the most popular summer drinks is sangria. What do you need for this? For starters, a large bowl, because sangria is not made by the glass, but in a large quantity from which guests can refill their glasses throughout the evening. Choose glasses that are wide enough, both for pouring without spilling and for the pieces of orange, lemon, apple and peach you added to the wine and lemonade mixture. Garnish the glasses with fresh slices of the same fruit (no other fruit, that is), a straw and/or a summer cocktail stick and your sangria will have scored ten points before anyone can yell Salut! can call out.

Gin tonic

Strictly speaking, Gin-tonic is not cocktail because this drink contains only two ingredients and not three. So much for theory, because Gin-tonic invariably shows up in the list of most delicious cocktails. To start, fill a nice cocktail glass with ice cubes, 1/3 part gin and 2/3 part tonic. Then give your Gin-tonic your own twist with the garnish. A few slices of cucumber combine well with a leaf of basil. Is that a bit too classic for you? Then surprise them by adding dark red blackberries and some sprigs of lemongrass instead. Or go for simple yet effective: a slice of lemon. Tip: for mixing the Gin-tonic, use a cocktail box in stainless steel or copper to give your guests the ultimate cocktail experience.


Martini espresso, surprisingly simple

Of course, a coffeecocktail should not be missing from this list: the Martini espresso. This cocktail is as invigorating as it is simple. First, using a shaker with ice, mix together the espresso, coffee liqueur (Liqor43 and Amaretto also work well) and vodka. Then pour the cocktail through a strainer, that is, without the ice, into a classic cocktail glass or champagne coupe and top it off by carefully placing three coffee beans on top of the froth. For good taste, serve with a bowl of chocolate coffee beans. Easy does it.

Is your favorite cocktail not listed here? Then check out these top 5 summer cocktails for even more inspiration.