Celebrate spring with greens!


Celebrate spring with greens!

Are you enjoying spring so much? Getting outside and enjoying those endless rays of sunshine we have been looking forward to for so long. The sun's rays not only make us shine, but also make typical spring vegetables such as asparagus and rhubarb grow well. Choosing vegetables of the season is heart healthy and sustainable. That's why I like to share with you how to incorporate spring vegetables into delicious meals. Then you can share this with your kids during the May vacation. What could be more fun than cooking together and then sitting down at a cheerfully decorated table? Let's go!

Asparagus; spring on your plate

A true spring vegetable is the asparagus, both the white and green varieties. Traditionally grown on Dutch soil, the white and green heads stick out of the soil from March through June. White asparagus is packed with vitamin C; an antioxidant that, among other things, ensures good immunity. Its green relative is a vitamin K bomb and ensures good blood clotting. By now, do you have the water on your lips and can't wait to devour these health-boosters? The classic asparagus recipe is simple and finger-licking good.

  • You can buy asparagus peeled or unpeeled. Do you use unpeeled white asparagus? Then purchase a peeler; this handy kitchen tool will have your asparagus ready for further preparation in no time.
  • Fill a large pan with cold water and place it, asparagus included, on the stove with the lid on the pan. When the water boils, set the timer to 6 minutes. Are the 6 minutes over? Then take the pan off the heat and let the asparagus cook in the pan for another 6 minutes. After this, carefully scoop the asparagus out of the pan and you can let them drain a bit on kitchen paper before dividing them among the plates and serving them immediately.
  • Never change a winning team. Serve the white asparagus with shiny gold fried potatoes, slices of ham and a boiled egg. Top it off by pouring some melted butter on top and your evening can't go wrong.

May vacation: quality time with your kids in the kitchen

The end of April is upon us again: the May vacation is just around the corner. And what could be more fun than cooking together with your offspring in the kitchen?

  • White asparagus move over, it's time for its green brother. With just a small number of ingredients and a starring role for green asparagus, together you will put delicious savory mini quiches on the table. What do you need? Mini quiche molds, savory pie or puff pastry, green asparagus and any other vegetable you like, eggs, crème fraîche for the creamy bite and kitchen toppings like an onion, olive oil and some salt and pepper. And with some grated cheese on top , these savory quiches will be finished in no time.
  • Another spring classic is rhubarb. This sweet vegetable is a true childhood favorite. The redder the stalk, the sweeter and softer the taste. Make rhubarb compote together, package it in cute old school weck jars and sell the jars from a rug on King's Day.
  • And if you are already in the orange mood, how about a real orange soup for King's Day? Pumpkin plays the leading role and is also a real spring vegetable (really!).

Getting creative with edible flowers

Good food in fine company naturally includes a beautifully set table. Time to dust off the garden furniture, remove the outdoor cushions from their covers, buy a colorful tablecloth and pull the outdoor crockery out of the closet again. You brighten up your spring table by decorating your dishes with edible flowers. Be careful though: some flowers are poisonous, so get informed by the greengrocer, get them at the supermarket or dive behind your laptop to order them online. Are you a fan? Then grow them yourself in your own vegetable garden.


  • When you think edible flowers, you think pansies. These beautifully purple colored flowers with a white and yellow center are great for brightening up a salad or dessert in a nice big bowl because of their mild flavor. The pansy is everyone's friend, as it is also great for brightening up the table here and there.
  • Another favoriteis the marigold. Available in both yellow and orange. Thanks to its slightly sweet taste, it lends itself well to making bright ice cubes. How to. Divide some of these flowers among the compartments of an ice cube tray and then pour in water. Just pop them in the freezer and, when serving drinks, enjoy the surprised faces of your company.

Happy springtime!